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15+ Groundbreaking TESOL Thesis Topics Based on Recent Studies

TESOL Thesis Topics TESOL combines what used to be TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). According to TESOL, whether a good teacher is TESL- or TEFL-qualified, he/she can adapt new teaching methods and modern classroom activities to the needs of learners and students’ expectations.

Today there are hundreds of teachers from around the globe, who are eager to get a TESOL certificate and acquire all needed skills that could allow teaching English worldwide. Such certificates are regarded as a very solid basis for teachers, who appeared to be in any kind of a teaching situation. Continue reading

How to Use an Example of a Research Paper to Write a Stellar Original Paper

Imitation can lead to innovation.
© David Strang

Although we start with the quote from a business book, its name, Learning by Example, and content have much in common with the principles we are going to discuss. We offer you to buy a sample research paper with the help of which you can write your own academic piece and improve a certain set of skills. And before you become too skeptical to consider this option, let’s look into some basic concepts that will prove us right.

From our childhood, we use observational learning to get to know how to behave in the simplest situations. As we grow, the behavioral patterns become more complicated, and we continue imitating role models gaining our own personal features on the way. This design of learning can be well appropriated into academic writing which nowadays causes many problems for students because of the: Continue reading

McDonald Case Study Sample

McDonald Case StudyThe guide below presents a McDonald case study in a form of qualitative descriptive research. Such case study is usually applied in order to assess the organization and identify the key points in its current development. In order to write a McDonald case study it was necessary to collect the most accurate data, records, interviews or examinations. The guide presented below regards such vital for a case study sections as company profile. This paper demonstrates a brief history of company’s development and focuses on its current position on the market. Further, a SWOT analysis is presented that regards closely the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for McDonald’s. PEST analysis as well as recommendation for new strategies are also required to present a complete case study of the company. Continue reading

20 Catchy Bachelor’s Thesis Topics on Digital Marketing for Your Business Class

Catchy Bachelor's Thesis Topics“Digital” is the word that accompanies everything in our advanced technological world nowadays. You communicate with your friends on Facebook, buy clothes on Amazon and perceive the world through online sources. And all these means of online interaction are presented in the form of data coded with the help of binary digits. This brings us to the point when everything is all on the Internet, especially marketing.

If you’re a digital marketing major, you will be a very lucky specialist after graduating because most of the companies shift their activities and advertising campaigns to the online environment. It means that there will be no lack of work for you. Moreover, the knowledge that you’ll gain throughout your studies will help to create the right sort of image for yourself in the media so that you could always be marketable. That’s why it’s so important to make the right choices during your college life, especially when it comes to selecting bachelor’s thesis topics. We are going to present you 20 sample subjects popular in the digital marketing sphere in 2017.

It’s up to you what to pick, but make sure your choice will be beneficial for your future: Continue reading

Free Thesis Finder: Top 5 Websites for Medical and Nursing Students

Free Thesis FinderYeah, we know that you have been brought up by the Internet and accompanied by new technologies almost all your life. You got used that everything can be found online, and you don’t need to leave your home, especially when you look for information.

But suddenly you have to write a thesis in the medical/nursing sphere, and you’re not sure how to spot reliable and trustworthy data to base your arguments on. That’s a mishap. But don’t think that the only way out is to go to the real library and rave through archives. We have something better for you: top free thesis finder websites where you can find what you need for the medical field.

1.  Elischolar

Yale digital library offers you latest theses on nursing and medicine even without registration. In cooperation with students, the university strives to digitize as many academic works as possible to make the information accessible. The only drawback of this resource is that there aren’t many works uploaded yet, but if you’re lucky, you can find something similar to your topic just to read about it more. Continue reading

Sample of Thesis of a Book

Thesis of a BookA thesis of a book is a part of paper that tells about what the main idea of a book is. This part is used for the explanation of the author’s opinion on the topic or issues discussed in a book. Moreover, a thesis of a book should contain two opposite opinions about it. Nonetheless, the main point of the paper is the author’s own thoughts about the idea of the text. The thesis of “The Lord of the Rings” may look like this. Continue reading

Thesis for Rhetorical Analysis

Thesis for Rhetorical AnalysisRhetorical Analysis is a type of an academic paper that purposes to break a work into separate parts and then to analyze them according to defined rhetorical rules. The high purpose of any rhetorical analysis is to research on how these components correlate to provide a particular effect – whether to convince, inform or entertain the audience.

Correspondingly, the thesis for rhetorical analysis should be the core point of the text that correspond the author’s initial purpose.

A rhetorical analysis can be created as the assessment of narratives, TV shows, movies, sets of artwork, or the diversity of other communicative carriers that purpose to transfer some message to a target audience. In order to create this analysis, one is expected to define how the author of the work analyzed tries to promote his or her argument. Also, the information about whether or not this argument is effective should be included in this type of work. Continue reading

20 Entrepreneurship Thesis Topics to Inspire Readers to New Achievements in 2017

Entrepreneurship Thesis TopicsEntrepreneurship is defined as the act of venturing into a business by taking risks that are involved. For an individual to venture into business, you must be having great business ideas.

In this article, we are going to give you a list of 20 entrepreneurship thesis topics that will inspire you so that you do not waste a lot of time making up the topics to cover in your writing. You can con just use these topics, but you can extend them or even narrow if you wish. Our main aim is to inspire you to create a great title that will hook everyone in the room. Continue reading

20 Pretty Good Senior Thesis Topics for a Literature Student

Senior Thesis Topics in LiteratureLiterature thesis topics start off, and then narrow down as you continue writing your research paper. You are always advised to choose a topic according to the literature class that you have learned. Knowing a thesis topic that you are going to write about will help you to remain focused at all times, so that you deliver a quality paper that will earn you a good grade.

Below is a list of good senior thesis topics that you can use to get inspired if you are a literature student. Continue reading