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Research Proposal on Green Chemistry

Green chemistry is also called sustainable chemistry. It is involves designing chemical processes and products in order to reduce or eliminate altogether the use of hazardous substances. It involves a chemical product’s life cycle, design, manufacture and use. Its technologies provide such benefits as safer products, reduction in use of resources and energy, reduction of waste, reduction of price and competitiveness, and safe environments. This study will explore the production of biomass briquettes (Sanghi, 195).

A briquette is a compressed block of coal dust, saw dust, woodchip or charcoal that is used for fueling and kindling a fire. They are small in size, varied in color and may vary in size depending on the press.

Background/literature review on green chemistry
With the rising fuel costs, technologists are increasingly looking at ways of reducing heating costs especially in developing countries in order to provide a safe reliable and affordable fuel which is environment friendly. Briquettes are blocks of compressed charcoal dust, coal dust, woodchips, sawdust or biomass, used as fuel in boilers and stoves. Briquettes which are made from materials which are not carbonized can be a bit smoky. In order to make them smokeless pyrolysed or carbonized materials can be used. Through carbonization, organic substances are converted into carbon without the presence of oxygen. Biomass briquettes can be made from biomass, a process which will not involve carbonizing the biomass. This can be done by partially decomposing the raw materials for a week or two. The material can then be dried and crushed into small pieces which are then mixed with mater to make a soupy slurry substance. The mixture is then put into a briquetting machine also known as a briquette press for pressing into the desired sizes. Continue reading

Research Proposal on Child Labor

This is a research proposal example on Child Labor:
In America’s history we have had many problems with child labor. That is why “in 1938, President Franklin Roosevelt passed the Fair Labor Standards Act” (World Book 455). Child labor laws has helped the children in America greatly by not having to work long hours, having a minimum wage, and the worker must be at least 16 years of age before they can work. However, Child labor is still a problem in other undeveloped countries now.

We have child labor laws because, “from the mid 1800s to the early part of this century, many young children were employed in what we now call “sweatshop conditions” (Russell Freedman 93) . These children spent many hours working hard at dangerous jobs instead of going to school and getting a good education. Many factories and other firms hired children because they could be paid less than adults and get away with it. Furthermore, the children were overworked and underpaid, often working 16 hours a day, six days a week, and earning only pennies an hour. Kids often were also injured or killed while working under these brutal conditions. Continue reading

Research Proposal on Autism

Definition of Autism
Many people get extremely confused when people speak of autism, and they think it is just a childhood disorder. The reason why people think it is just a childhood disorder is because numerous studies focus primarily on educating autistic children, since it is very hard to do so. Autism is a biological disorder coming from the brain that impairs people’s communication and their social skills. It covers an exceedingly broad spectrum of disorders ranging from the very mild to severe. Autistics are described to be living in their “own world” and the high functioning autistics usually have two worlds; the “outside world” and “their world”. Autism can be accompanied with having many serious sensory challenges, such as lack of verbal communication, lack of eye contact, and the inability to hear what others are saying (Harris, 1994). Continue reading

Research Proposal on Poverty

When does poverty become part of the culture? The culture of poverty’s formal development is attributed to Oscar Lewis; he created a thesis to explain this question. He seeks to understand poverty as a culture, with its own structure and rationale, more as a way of life passed down from generation to generation along family lines. The culture of poverty is a feature of highly stratified, competitive systems. This economic system tends to have high rates of unemployment and low wages for the “unskilled” jobs with high turn over rates. The theory maintains that culturally based attitudes or predisposition such as “present-mindedness” is the major barrier to economic mobility for many of the poor. Continue reading

Research Proposal on Health

An exploratory, mainly qualitative, research project amongst 10 year old children shows that children have a limited view of health. In their view, being healthy means to eat healthy (i.e. not nice) food, to have lots of fresh air and to do sports. Children at this age have a more limited concept than the adult’s view of health which is predominantly biomechanical and in which health simply means absence of disease. A survey of OFSTED-reports shows that most schools do not have a policy on health education. The paper recommends that the National Curriculum should be modified to allow health education to be wider than the biomechanical model and that health education should have its own entry in the National Curriculum. Continue reading

Research Proposal on HIV

Twenty years ago, the subject of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which has been found to be the cause of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), would not have been the topic of a major and serious worldwide catastrophe. Twenty years ago, people were not phased by the effects that would be caused by this ever so populating disease, and no one would have ever realized that this disease would not be curable or helped without expensive medicine. Like a simple exponential growth equation, the AIDS virus has increased victim numbers by about forty million all over the world.

AIDS has also shown that it is not discriminating; it has infected all races and all heritages. The AIDS crisis extends far beyond its death toll, because more than seventy percent of the thirty-six million people with HIV/AIDS live in sub-Saharan Africa. Continue reading

Research Proposal on Motivation

THESIS: Motivation is the process of providing reasons for people to work in the best interests of the organization; organizations must start focusing on why and/or how motivation is developed rather than what motivated an employee.

I. Introduction on Motivation
II. Historical views on Motivation
A. Scientific Management
B. Hawthorne Studies
C. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
D. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene theory
E. Theory X and Theory Y
F. Reinforcement theory Continue reading

Research Proposal on Marketing

This is a sample research proposal on Marketing:

Nowadays marketing is becoming more and more important in this modern life. Every company must use this strategy to success and move forward. Marketing is a very dynamic lesson, and not just stuck in one point, its developing from time to time. For the recent year many of the company was dominated by the traditional way to promote and present their product, like using the mass media advertising. Companies relied primarily on their advertising agencies for guidance in nearly all areas of marketing communication. We cannot say that this way is wrong, but in this rapid changing time we can use the alternative ways in marketing that is Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). Continue reading