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How to Write an Accounting Research Proposal

In this article, we will point out some major stages of writing an Accounting research proposal. The purpose of a research proposal is to address a specific academic or scientific research project. There are several steps to be aware of concerning how to write an accounting research proposal. Before starting to write a good accounting research proposal, you should to determine the purpose of your research proposal. A good place to start is by conducting a preliminary research of the topic to determine what the current issues are and what gaps appear in the literature review. When all possible research at this stage has been done, begin formulating research questions to address that gap in knowledge or theory. It is good to remember that the research proposal is never a fixed blue print. Continued review of the relevant literature will help to shape the research questions or hypothesis, which in return, will determine the research methodology to be used. Basically, no fixed formula for writing a research proposal exists. Continue reading

How to Write a Business Research Proposal

For a business to develop and possess a good command of the market, on which it is based, there has to be substantial research with constructive decisions being made out of it. However, criteria have to be followed in doing research, the very first being writing the business research proposal. There are procedures that must be equally followed while writing a Business research proposal. Business firms have nothing to do with writing a research proposal; this should be an initiative of those who feel like they have an idea that they would like to see brought to life. This is how the bearers of the ideas get acquainted with articles on how to write a business research paper, that is, if they did not have prior knowledge on how to write the proposal. It could be true that there are many people who get to such levels of work but do not have the knowledge to turn their visions into reality. Continue reading

How to Edit a Research Proposal

No college or university student needs to be taught how to write; still it would be a salutary lesson for some of them to be told the basic rules of editing a text. It is not a problem to write an e-mail letter, a note, or an ICQ message, but more sophisticated and complex works (such as research papers or proposals, personal statements and essays) demand post-writing attention. The editing procedure, as a rule, starts after the first draft of your paper is ready. You edit by extending, enlarging, and choosing appropriate vocabulary and grammar constructions as well as by other means. Still, there are several secrets of more effective editing and they presuppose several text layers to work with, including:

  • paper content;
  • structure of the proposal;
  • style of your narration;
  • citation and formatting rules, etc. Continue reading