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Sir Winston Churchill’s Leadership Case Study: Learn From the Exceptional Leader in the World

Winston Churchill Case StudyStudents are being trained to become good leaders while studying at colleges. One of the ways to get leadership skills is to write a leadership case study. It is possible to get to know about the development of a particular person as a leader.

Who can be studied as a good example of a leader? Some are born with leadership qualities while there are some who have to work hard on certain traits to reach their dream of becoming a good leader.

Are you aware that Sir Winston Churchill is considered to be a flawed man? So, what has Winston Churchill made to become a powerful leader during the World War II? Continue reading

5 Benefits of a Leadership Case Study for Students: Enhance Your Leadership Qualities

Leadership Case Study for StudentsWhat is the best idea how to learn? In fact, students learn much better from real life lessons rather than basic principles of the theory. Do you agree with this? As a student, you know yourself well.

Case studies are often used by professionals in various areas to gain a better understanding of different situations they may encounter. For example, call center agents are given case studies regarding possible scenarios they may come across during the conversation with clients. This will give them the full understanding about what they should do if they experience the same situations. Continue reading

20 Topics for a Case Study for MBA to Be Useful for the Audience

MBA Case Study TopicsAn MBA creates careers for thousands of students every year. As the economic recovery leads global expansion, industry needs new managers and leaders.

Since management ties into every aspect of the organization, and as business demands to drive MBA programs to new technologies, methodologies, and approaches, the case study for MBA remains a core academic learning tool.

The case studies work two ways: you learn from doing it; and your contribution helps others appreciate the issue differently.

Here’s a list of 20 useful topics for your MBA case study: Continue reading

MBA Assignment Sample

MBA Assignment SampleMBA assignment sample comes in handy when a student is doing a primary research on the specifics and peculiarities of business writing. This article presents a concise report on a business facing a challenge, the nature of that challenge, ways to overcome the problem and recommendations regarding implementation of these helpful measures.


Croud Goods has been officially registered in 1923 as Croud Cheese Company. By 2016, it has become one of the major processed food and soft drinks manufacturers in North America. It includes such gastronomic branches as dairy products, sweets and confectionary, frozen meats and powder drinks. Forbes estimates its brand value at around $9 billion and the company’s sales at $6.5 billion. Despite the company has originally proclaimed itself as an America-oriented packaged food provider, it has spread to the European market when it merged with a British sweets and snacks producer Gradburry. Their European connections are expanding, as Croud Goods is negotiating a merge with Feinz, which will make it fifth largest food conglomerate in the world. Continue reading

7 Benefits of Obtaining an MBA in International Business

MBA in international businessPursuing an MBA in international business opens the door to many opportunities. The markets are increasingly becoming global and knowing how to conduct business worldwide is useful. The vast majority of large companies operate globally to some extent. This type of MBA will prepare you to conduct business across borders in virtually all fields of business ranging from management, finance, marketing, planning and more. Here we have listed a few of the benefits of achieving an MBA in International Business. Continue reading