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The Relationship Between Methods and Methodology in Project Writing

Methods and Methodology in Project WritingEveryone who has the need to conduct an academic research project should develop the way that he or she approaches its aim. There is even an separate chapter devoted to methodology. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, methodology is interpreted as “a body of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline”. So, as a researcher, you should understand the slight nuances of the terminology – should you use methods or methodologies? Continue reading

How to Use an Example of a Research Paper to Write a Stellar Original Paper

Imitation can lead to innovation.
© David Strang

Although we start with the quote from a business book, its name, Learning by Example, and content have much in common with the principles we are going to discuss. We offer you to buy a sample research paper with the help of which you can write your own academic piece and improve a certain set of skills. And before you become too skeptical to consider this option, let’s look into some basic concepts that will prove us right.

From our childhood, we use observational learning to get to know how to behave in the simplest situations. As we grow, the behavioral patterns become more complicated, and we continue imitating role models gaining our own personal features on the way. This design of learning can be well appropriated into academic writing which nowadays causes many problems for students because of the: Continue reading

McDonald Case Study Sample

McDonald Case StudyThe guide below presents a McDonald case study in a form of qualitative descriptive research. Such case study is usually applied in order to assess the organization and identify the key points in its current development. In order to write a McDonald case study it was necessary to collect the most accurate data, records, interviews or examinations. The guide presented below regards such vital for a case study sections as company profile. This paper demonstrates a brief history of company’s development and focuses on its current position on the market. Further, a SWOT analysis is presented that regards closely the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for McDonald’s. PEST analysis as well as recommendation for new strategies are also required to present a complete case study of the company. Continue reading

6 Great Tips on How to Choose Researchable MBA Projects Topics

Working on MBA Projects is not an easy task and most students find themselves stressed out when they have to prepare for them out of the blue. This is because MBA projects can take about 6 to 8 months to complete properly, depending on work commitments. When tasked with this for the first time, students often have no idea how it’s done.

In this article, we’ll give you a head start by discussing 6 tips that’ll help you choose researchable MBA project topics, so you can get to work on your project as soon as possible.

1. Recall the Modules

Taking an in-depth review of the modules that you have found interesting throughout the study will help you search for relevant modules. This aids in choosing a perfect topic for your MBA project.

2. Explore Various Ideas from the Start

While most students prefer to get themselves ready in the second semester of an MBA program, smarter ones start exploring various ideas and project topics during their first year of study, which better prepares them compared to the average student. Continue reading

How to Nail MBA Project Reports Writing with 7 Simple Guidelines

Writing MBA project reports? Well, you are in luck! This article defines how you can nail writing those MBA project reports with just 7 simple guidelines.

Following these guidelines will ensure that you write stellar and highly compelling MBA project reports without any hiccups whatsoever:

1. How to Arrange Chapters the Right Way

Writing MBA project reports is a never-ending task. You want to get this done properly to begin with, otherwise, you’ll be spending a lot of your time trying to redo the report, making corrections etc. Here is how you should arrange chapters in your reports:

  • Have a title page right from the start with the format enclosed.
  • Next comes the introduction page.
  • After that, attach certificates and a declaration.
  • If your project is based on a company, a certificate needs to be mentioned.
  • Include the acknowledgement.
  • Next, a list of tables and figures are to be mentioned.
  • Finally, you’ll include abbreviations and operational definitions that you’ve used throughout the report.

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How to Write a Master’s Project

Some helpful tips how to write a good Master’s project:
The major difference of a master’s project from other project assignments if the volume. The research and study done to cover the master’s project expand to involve a lot of materials and information. Ultimately to complete such a paper you have to take some time to conduct the study, go through all the literature and get acquainted with other ideas and opinions on the adjacent subjects. What there is more is the language.

For a master’s project there has to be more then for an average college essay. Not only your writing has to be clear it also would add more of academic manner if using complex sentence structures, notions and terminology and academic vocabulary. Even if you are capable of writing an essay or a term project in one go with the master’s assignment you will be forced to make drafts. Continue reading