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Statement of the Problem: Sample Thesis Statement and 6 Questions It Has to Answer

Sample Thesis StatementA thesis statement is one of the main parts of any college paper. The purpose of the thesis statement is to present the key issue that is going to be covered in the assignment. The thesis statement tells the reader how you will explain the significance of the subject matter. It also serves as a roadmap for the paper by telling the reader what they should expect and by providing the writer with specific directions. A thesis statement typically makes a claim that can be disputed. Continue reading

5 Parts of the Strong Section of Methodology in Thesis Sample

Strong Section of Methodology in ThesisThe word ‘thesis’ can frighten many students who hear it or, moreover, those who have to deal with this long piece of work to get an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD. This challenging paperwork is supposed to contribute enormously to the research field. For that reason, it consists of many sections, among which there is not less important one – the section of methodology.

Follow our further guidance on writing a thesis methodology because you’re expected to provide the validity of a study. Continue reading

Thesis on Customer Satisfaction

Thesis on Customer SatisfactionA thesis on customer satisfaction is a paper that tells about who the customer is and why it is important to learn what his/her needs are. There are several types of methods that may help to understand what customer satisfaction is. One of the most popular kind is the comparison of two different opinions. In addition, this type of paper should conclude author’s opinion and his thoughts about this term. Moreover, it is vital to describe the opinions in the first part of the paper that is called a thesis on customer satisfaction. Continue reading

Thesis on Child Abuse

Thesis on Child AbuseA thesis on child abuse is a theoretical consideration of the definition of the topic that provides a clear definition of the discussed issue and marks the author’s critical attitude to the topic. The thesis has to provide the readers with the understanding of the problem of child abuse, the importance of its prevention, and the methods to manage this serious problem. The thesis should be clear, well-structured, and logically built. Continue reading

Thesis on Social Media

Thesis on Social MediaIn academic writing, a thesis statement is a key element of any essay. The main point of the thesis is to reveal the idea of a text. Accordingly, the clarity and specifics are significant features of the strong thesis. Recently, the phenomenon of social media has become a hot topic for discussion. Lots of essays are focused on the various aspects of social media. Therefore, students should be able to create a qualitative thesis on social media owing to the relevance and versatility of the topic. Continue reading

Thesis on Technology

Thesis on TechnologyA thesis on technology is an argument presented in one sentence aimed to describe the main point of the writing. A well-composed thesis statement refers to the key points that the author will further examine within the writing piece. The most significant idea that relates to the thesis on technology to be encompassed is the need to establish credible evidence for the ideas highlighted in the thesis. The final work should hold not only the personal attitude towards the technology but also the reasonable arguments that would support the key ideas. To write a thesis statement on technology an individual could refer to the transformational shift that the society experiences in terms of the amount of innovations applied daily in life. The example of a thesis on technology below entails a proper essay structure with the highlighted thesis statement appropriate for the work. Continue reading

Thesis about Leadership

Thesis about LeadershipThesis is a type of academic work, which is written by a candidate for a university degree. Usually, it is a long dissertation, which contains the vast research conducted to support the thesis statement. Thesis statement for such type of work is usually a developed three-level claim. At this point, it is not a narrative or essay, but a narrow and simultaneously deep research of the chosen topic. Thesis about leadership may cover a variety of issues, yet they have to be focused and exact. Also, thesis usually means that the objection is required to assure it’s scientific rigor. Continue reading

E-Commerce Thesis

This is a dissertation chapter example on E-Commerce topic:
Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) is defined as the conduct of commerce in goods and services, with the assistance of telecommunications and telecommunications-based tools such as the Internet.

E-commerce is often used in a much broader sense, to mean essentially the same as “electronic business” (EB). This includes for example, buying and selling products with digital cash via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Examples of Electronic Business that are not E-commerce include registration and licensing processes, student enrolment, and court administration.

E-commerce encompasses many areas, which include electronic catalogues that refers to means whereby sellers can communicate their offerings to potential buyers. Also, electronic data interchange (EDI) that refers to a particular family of standards for expressing the structured data that represent E-commerce transactions; and electronic auctions which is a particular set of mechanisms that help in the setting of prices. Continue reading

Engineering Thesis

This is an extract from Engineering thesis:

The evolution of engineering education is influenced by many factors. While the accreditation process has been the most significant change agent in recent years in the United States, it is by no means the only one. New engineering methods, changing patterns of employment, new kinds of employers, the restructuring of industry, and globalization all have had an impact on how engineering education is structured and delivered. This paper describes some of the ways in which the education process is being modified in response.

Engineering colleges in the United States, as elsewhere in the world, are subject to many forces, both external and internal. Over the course of many years, these forces ebb and flow and there are periods of stability and periods of relatively rapid change. It is the opinion of this author that due to the number of factors, US engineering education is embarking on a period of activity that will result in some significant modifications to the way instruction is delivered as well as in some of the details of the curriculum. Continue reading

Thesis on Management

The direction of the economy is truly challenging ahead. As we evolve gracefully from new economy to k-economy, business leaders have recognised the dependence on how fast an organisation, can align itself to the general and task influence PEST-I (ie. Politics, Economy, Social, Technology and Internationalisation) environment in determining corporate survival. Either evolve with the economic perspective or be extinct. And Given the continual changes in the environment, businesses must be built around these turbulent conditions. Thus, a pivotal success factor for companies adapting to these changes begins within, the need for a strategic Human Resource (HR) department.

Feedbacks from CEOs of US based companies interviewed by HR Magazine (Leonard 1998) have reinforced the importance and the strategic role of HR Management (HRM). Continue reading