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Engineering Thesis

This is an extract from Engineering thesis:

The evolution of engineering education is influenced by many factors. While the accreditation process has been the most significant change agent in recent years in the United States, it is by no means the only one. New engineering methods, changing patterns of employment, new kinds of employers, the restructuring of industry, and globalization all have had an impact on how engineering education is structured and delivered. This paper describes some of the ways in which the education process is being modified in response.

Engineering colleges in the United States, as elsewhere in the world, are subject to many forces, both external and internal. Over the course of many years, these forces ebb and flow and there are periods of stability and periods of relatively rapid change. It is the opinion of this author that due to the number of factors, US engineering education is embarking on a period of activity that will result in some significant modifications to the way instruction is delivered as well as in some of the details of the curriculum. Continue reading

Thesis on Health

This is a sample thesis paper on Health:

Australia’s approach towards health is gradually moving away from the traditional biomedical model promoted by the medical profession to the adoption of new perspectives. Although the biomedical model of care remains dominant, new aspects towards health care such as the “New Health Movement” and “Public Policy” are becoming widely accepted. These directives encompass the societal determinants of health such as socio-economic status and environmental factors that contribute to inequalities throughout an individual’s lifespan. Governments and health organizations have therefore identified with the necessity for a collaborative inter-sectoral approach from all public domains to gain effective and essential improvements in health care nationally. Continue reading

Thesis on English

With the fast-paced globalization and technological development, the world is stepping into the era of informationalism. It is characterized by the advances in computing technology and the global network of telecommunications, in which English is “selected” as the lingua franca (common communicative language) . Subsequently, the demand for learning English as the second language (ESL) or the foreign language (EFL) keeps growing into the past few decades. English is turning to an international language (EIL) or a global language (EGL) or a world language (EWL). This undoubtedly leads to a series of consequences. These consequences, involving nationality problem, arouse hot controversies among linguists and educators.

Thesis Statement
People living under this new economic order are pushed to learn this common language. However, in what ways should we learn it? What material should teachers pick up? Continue reading

Thesis on Management

The direction of the economy is truly challenging ahead. As we evolve gracefully from new economy to k-economy, business leaders have recognised the dependence on how fast an organisation, can align itself to the general and task influence PEST-I (ie. Politics, Economy, Social, Technology and Internationalisation) environment in determining corporate survival. Either evolve with the economic perspective or be extinct. And Given the continual changes in the environment, businesses must be built around these turbulent conditions. Thus, a pivotal success factor for companies adapting to these changes begins within, the need for a strategic Human Resource (HR) department.

Feedbacks from CEOs of US based companies interviewed by HR Magazine (Leonard 1998) have reinforced the importance and the strategic role of HR Management (HRM). Continue reading

Thesis on Culture

This is a sample thesis on culture:

I would like to start off with the definition of Culture, which is an organized system of learned behavior and thought patterns. Always make manifest by a group making that group distinctive from other groups. It is non-instinctive but rests on a biological base of: binocular, stereoscopic, color, vision/ habitual, upright bipedal locomotion/ generalized forelimb with opposable thumb and the symbolic capacity of (750-950cc). It is transmitted through language is cumulative and embracing both artifacts and attitudes is human kinds chief adaptive mechanism. Continue reading