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How to Outdo Yourself Writing a Thesis Statement for to Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird Thesis StatementA college thesis for literature needs to make a persuading statement. You need to convince the reader of your argument. A thesis statement summarizes the point you are arguing in your paper and what you are trying to convince the reader of, while helping map a clear direction. This article outlines how to create a strong thesis statement for To Kill a Mockingbird.

Before looking at Harper Lee’s novel, there are a few general points to consider:

  • A thesis statement is a single sentence within the introduction of the paper;
  • It must be concise and specific;
  • If an assignment asks you to interpret or analyze – these words usually mean that a thesis statement is required;
  • A thesis statement is your interpretation of a question and your opinion can be backed up with evidence to explain how and why you feel this way, as well as can be controversial or counter-argued by others;
  • Sometimes your thesis statement will need to be amended at the end of drafting the paper because your argument may have changed or developed from your original statement.

Not all the assignments state that a thesis statement is needed, but in the majority of papers it is necessary. It tells the reader not only that you have read and understood the piece of literature but also that you have viewed it analytically and can support a statement with evidence from the book, play or poem.

Developing a thesis statement can be difficult. It requires you to take a stance and to form an opinion. The best way to do this is to collect evidence and think of different arguments or, in other words, argue with yourself! Ensure that the argument you are making can stand firm and be backed up thoroughly. A good way to do this is to get a scrap of paper and to add the thesis title at the centre and jot down various points, arguments and quotes that you feel you can develop strongly. You can alter your thesis statement as you go along, but it is useful to have a well-researched and clear viewpoint to start with to help create your paper and avoid being directionless.


While writing a thesis statement for To Kill a Mockingbird, the main themes to explore are good vs. evil, human dignity, racism, etc. The statement can include a theme, but needs to make a point or argument. Here are a few examples:

  1. Through the character of Atticus, To Kill a Mockingbird explores how to see the good in somebody and show respect, sometimes in the face of evil;
  2. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee places great importance on the role of place and time (the town of Maycomb and the Depression) to the characters and to the plot;
  3. Lessons about injustice and a strong moral fibre are key points to the plot of To Kill a Mockingbird.

These statements do more than set out the theme or the plot of the novel. They outline a sentence that can be developed and this is how to outdo yourself while creating your thesis statement!

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